Friday, July 16, 2010

Visit to New Bern

Visiting a new city is always exciting. And getting a chance to stroll a historic downtown like New Bern, NC is a thrill, especially in that magic hour when the sun is low in the sky and creating all kinds of wonderful visual effects.

There's a wonderful old church in the heart of downtown New Bern (First Episcopal Church). Old head stones poke out randomly in the lawn surrounding the church. I was toting my 7- and 2-year-old so the opportunity to really create images was brief for me.

But I did have a moment to watch the sun move in and out of the clouds just long enough to see some light sifting through the trees. I shot two frames--one with very flat, even light and this one with the rays of light tickling the shadows. The flat-light image was too blue and dull. The sprinkling of sunlight added just a touch of warmth and depth to the scene.

Shot at ISO 200 with my 17 - 35 f/2.8 Nikkor at f/4 @ 1/160.

First in line

This is the inaugural blog on "carlosblog". We just relocated to Gastonia in time to escape the blazing hot Arizona summer. And don't believe this nonsense of "...but it's a dry heat." Arizona has a fair amount of humidity and when the temps reach 115 with just a tad of humidity, believe STINGS outside.

This blog is primarily concerned with promoting good photography practices in addition to Photoshop tips and tricks. I'll be offering photo tips beyond your basic "keep sun behind you" and "use force flash outdoors".

Hopefully some of my friends will chime in and correct me and/or offer their own perspective or just tell me I'm full of it.

Along the way I'll post my musings about things related to media and pop culture just to keep it interesting. Look for photos and even the occasional video clip as well.

Thanks for visiting.