Monday, September 13, 2010

Foggy morning

We had a nice bit of fog a few days ago. As I walked to get the paper I snagged four frames of our front yard and stitched them together for a little panoramic. Again, it's nothing extreme. It doesn't even look very panormic-like. But I'll be getting to those soon enough.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Panoramic attempts

This is an old structure near my house that I've been looking at and wondering how to shoot it. I did this using my home-made panorama gadget and Arc Soft's Panorama Maker. It's not a very extreme panoramic--just something to play with and test out the system. This is only four vertical frames stitched together probably approximating about 100 degrees.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Pear trees

This is another location I'm eyeballing for a landscape photo. This is a few miles from my house, just near the South Carolina border. I think these are pear trees. The light here is tricky. I love the tall pines that create a shadowed backdrop for the backlit trees, but fighting off the lens flare is a real trick. I'm going to watch this sight as the seasons change and keep shooting it until I'm satisfied. I don't know what those pear trees do in the fall, but I can see the leaves starting to turn red. This might make a pretty dramatic shot come October.